Advanced Usage ============== Dynamic Group Naming -------------------- Sometimes a group can't be named ahead of time and needs to be named dynamically based on some other input. A good example of this might be because the group is related to a given class which may be subclassed and its name needs to be unique at time of registration rather than unique at time of definition. A DynamicNameConfigGroup looks almost like a normal group, but it needs to have the name set before being registered or it will raise an error:: # ./my_app/plugins/ from confspirator import groups, fields class SomePluginClass(object): config_group = groups.DynamicNameConfigGroup( description="A dynamicly named sub group under the root group.", children=[ fields.BoolConfig( "bool_value", help_text="some boolean flag value", default=True, ), ] ) # ./my_app/plugins/ from my_app.config import root def setup_plugin_config(plugin_class): config_copy = plugin_class.config_group.copy() config_copy.set_name(plugin_class.__class__.__name__) root.root_group.plugins_group.register_child_config(config_copy) In the above example we are also first making a copy of the group so that we don't set a name on the group associated with the plugin class. The new copy will be a deep copy, and will include any subgroups if there are any. Extending Existing Groups ------------------------- Sometimes you would like to reuse and extend an existing config group. In those cases the extend function will allow you to make a deep copy of another config group, and add additional children to it (either fields or further sub-groups). The original reason for this feature was for extending class associated config and being able to inherit the parent config as a base starting point:: # ./my_app/plugins/ from confspirator import groups, fields class SomeOtherPluginClass(SomePluginClass): config_group = SomePluginClass.config_group.extend( children=[ fields.StrConfig( "my_string_config", help_text="Some useful help text.", required=True, default="stuff", ), ] ) This could also be used outside of class contexts when building generic config groups as a base for other elements of your app, and having specific groups extend the base one for the extra parts they need. It helps minimise duplication if used right. .. note:: When extending you can also pass a list of strings to the `remove_children` function parameter to have the keys given removed from the children of the group. Overlaying Groups ----------------- Loaded config groups have the ability to have another group or a dictionary overlaid on top of them, with the returned object being a deep copy of the target overlaid by the given group or dictionary. This is essentially a depth first dictionary update, where only keys in the given group or dictionary will be overridden inside the target group. It can be as simple as just merging two groups together:: merged_config = CONF.plugins.defaults.overlay( CONF.plugins.SpecificPlugin) But this is most effective when the configs are designed to be overlaid cleanly for the purposes of overriding defaults, or some other scenario where a base config group needs some of its values overridden by config defined elsewhere. The original use case for this feature was to allow defining a default for all instances of a given class, and having an easy way to overlay more specific config on top of the defaults for different places that class was used, to have that config passed down to the code that needed it in the most specific state:: def get_action_config(action_name, task_type): try: action_defaults = CONF.workflow.action_defaults.get(action_name) except KeyError: return {} try: task_conf = CONF.workflow.tasks[task_type] return action_defaults.overlay(task_conf.actions[action_name]) except KeyError: return action_defaults Lazy Loading Groups ------------------- In rather weird cases where plugins or application startup may register more configuration that can't be parsed right away, you can make a group lazy load itself when first accessed. This might be useful where one part of your config will define what plugins are enabled, or needed to start the application at all, but during that start up or loading process more configs will be registered. Having a group be lazy loaded is as simple as setting a parameter when making the group:: lazy_loaded_group = groups.ConfigGroup("lazy_loaded", lazy_load=True) Any fields or subgroups registered to this group before it is first access via the loaded config will be included in the loaded config. Up until first access the loaded group namespace retains a link back to the group definition, the loaded config file, and environment variables, which are processed on first access into a fully loaded group namespace.