CONFspirator in your unit tests =============================== You often need ways to override config when running tests, so CONFspirator provides some powerful ways to do that even for the most complicated of nested configs. Setting test defaults --------------------- The first smart thing to do is set the ``test_default`` value on a given config field for something you want to be a global test default value. This is useful for values you rarely need to change, and this means you can put your test defaults in the same places you define you config and put your actual defaults. An example of this might be:: config_group.register_child_config( fields.StrConfig( "my_string_config", help_text="Some useful help text.", required=True, default="stuff", test_default="test_specific_stuff", ) ) To ensure CONFspirator uses the ``test_default`` you will need to put it into ``test_mode`` when running the load config functions:: CONF = confspirator.load_file( config_group, "/etc/my_app/conf.yaml", test_mode=True) That does mean you will need some way to decide when loading config if your application is running in ``test_mode``. This will vary depending on your framework, or unit testing tools, but as an example, in Django you could do it as follows:: test_mode = False if "test" in sys.argv: test_mode = True CONF = confspirator.load_file( config_group, "/etc/my_app/conf.yaml", test_mode=test_mode) Overriding config for test cases -------------------------------- Often in unit or functional testing you need ways to override config for the duration of a test, a whole set of tests, or even in different phases of a test. As such CONFspirator provides an all powerful ``modify_conf`` function that alows you to selectively alter your config entity for the needed scope. .. note:: ``modify_conf`` assumes your test case classes inherit from ``unittest.TestCase``. If they do not, then this will not work. A simple example:: import confspirator from my_app.config import CONF @confspirator.modify_conf( CONF, { "my_app.top_level_config": [ {"operation": "override", "value": "a new value"} ], } ) class BasicTests(TestCase): def test_top_level_config(self): self.assertEqual(CONF.top_level_config, "a new value") It can also be used to decorate a single test function:: import confspirator from my_app.config import CONF class BasicTests(TestCase): @confspirator.modify_conf( CONF, { "my_app.top_level_config": [ {"operation": "override", "value": "a new value"} ], } ) def test_top_level_config(self): self.assertEqual(CONF.top_level_config, "a new value") Or even a section when using the ``with`` keyword:: import confspirator from my_app.config import CONF class BasicTests(TestCase): def test_top_level_config(self): with confspirator.modify_conf( CONF, { "my_app.top_level_config": [ {"operation": "override", "value": "a new value"} ], }, ): self.assertEqual(CONF.top_level_config, "a new value") parameters for modify_conf ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ``modify_conf`` takes two argument which can be used positionally, or as keywords. conf **** This should be the loaded config entity and will be either an instance of ``GroupNamespace`` or in advanced cases ``LazyLoadedGroupNamespace``. operations ********** This is a dictionary of config values as dot separated paths to a list of operations. It is possible to alter multiple config values at the same time, and run multiple operations on each. Operations will run in the order supplied and can be chained together (e.g. add a value to the start and end of a list). Here is what a more complex example may look like:: operations={ "my_app.api_settings.item_list_option": [ {"operation": "remove", "value": "option1"}, {"operation": "append", "value": "option15"}, ], "my_app.api_settings.boolean_flag_option": [ {"operation": "override", "value": False}, ], } Available operations per config type ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - value: - override - list: - override - preprend - append - remove - dict: - override - update - delete - overlay - GroupNamespace: - override - overlay Overlay is essentially a dict merge, where any keys present in the overlaying dictionay will be inserted or will override the ones in the target.